We Are Better Together

I  believe our collective Highest Power is unconditional Divine Love.  I want to surround myself with people who help me remember that, and send loving thoughts to those who don’t right now.

We are Better Together

Understanding that what I want for myself and my family are common goals:  good health, a peaceful, purposeful life,  loving relationships, a comfortable and safe place to live.

If we work together, and see the good in others’ ideas, we can reach these goals.  

I am involved in local and national causes to help us all come together as a country. I believe this is my highest purpose right now.

Are you willing and able to work together with your family, your community, and your country?  

Are your local, county, state, and national representatives willing to work together as well? 

We all have part of the solution.

There are so many challenges, like the opioid epidemic, health care costs,  immigration, gun rights and safety, tax rates – to name a few.

Please contact me if you want to get involved.  

The links below to websites, videos, and articles provide specific information about the issues and the solutions.

Nonpartisan websites:









 Press Briefings:

https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/       Transcript

https://www.youtube.com/user/whitehouse.  Official Whitehouse YouTube channel.  Video
