By Patricia Cota-Robles

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth. As One unified Heart Flame we now invoke the Mighty Solar Elohim to project their luminous Presence into the atmosphere of Earth.

Beloved Elohim, we ask that you accelerate the expansion of the Divine Qualities associated with each of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity. Breathe this Divine Light through the Twelve-pointed Crown of the Elohim above the Earth and through the Twelve-pointed Crown of the Elohim upon the brow of every person’s I AM Presence. Anchor this Divine Light through every person’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Spine and our Twelve Solar Chakras.

1. I now invoke the 1st Solar Aspect of Deity which is Sapphire Blue

The Divine Qualities associated with the 1st Solar Aspect of Deity are God’s Will, Illumined Faith, Power, Protection and God’s First Cause of Perfection. This is the Ray of Light that reflects the Masculine Polarity of our Father God. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Sapphire Blue Suns of Light.

2. I now invoke the 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity which is Yellow-Gold.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 2nd Solar Aspect of Deity are Enlightenment, Wisdom, Illumination and Constancy. This is the Ray of Light that reflects the Christ Consciousness of the Sons and Daughters of God. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Yellow-Gold Suns of Light.

3. I now invoke the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity which is Crystalline Pink.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 3rd Solar Aspect of Deity are Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, Adoration and Tolerance. This is the Ray of Light that reflects the Feminine Polarity of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Crystalline Pink Suns of Light.

4. I now invoke the 4th Solar Aspect of Deity which is White.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 4th Solar Aspect of Deity are Purity, Hope, Restoration, Renewal, Resurrection, Ascension and the Immaculate Concept. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing White Suns of Light.

5. Green. I now invoke the 5th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Emerald.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 5th Solar Aspect of Deity are Illumined Truth, Healing, Consecration, Concentration and Inner Vision. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Emerald Green Suns of Light.

6. I now invoke the 6th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Ruby-Gold.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 6th Solar Aspect of Deity are Divine Grace, Healing, Devotional Worship, Peace and the Manifestation of the Christ. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Ruby-Gold Suns of Light.

7. I now invoke the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Violet.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity are Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, Transmutation, Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Glory and God’s Infinite Perfection. This is the Ray of Light that reflects the perfect balance of the Masculine and Feminine Polarities of our Father-Mother God. The Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection will be the predominant frequency of Light bathing the Earth during the Aquarian Age which we have now entered. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Violet Suns of Light.

8. I now invoke the 8th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Aquamarine.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 8th Solar Aspect of Deity are Clarity, Divine Perception, Discernment and Understanding. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Aquamarine Suns of Light.

9. I now invoke the 9th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Magenta.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 9th Solar Aspect of Deity are Harmony, Balance, Assurance and God Confidence. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Magenta Suns of Light.

10. I now invoke the 10th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Gold.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 10th Solar Aspect of Deity are Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance and the God Supply of ALL Good Things. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Golden Suns of Light.

11. I now invoke the 11th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Peach.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 11th Solar Aspect of Deity are Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm and Joy. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Peach Suns of Light.

12. And finally I invoke the 12th Solar Aspect of Deity which is Opal.

The Divine Qualities associated with the 12th Solar Aspect of Deity are Transformation and Transfiguration. As this Light flows through my spine all 12 of my Chakras become blazing Opal Suns of Light.

This NEW HIGHER frequency of Crystalline Solar Light is now secured through every person’s 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine and Twelve Solar Chakras. Our I AM Presence now gently returns each Chakra to the 3balanced frequency of the Circle of the Sacred Twelve which pulsates with all 12 Solar Aspects of Deity simultaneously.

We accept and know that this resplendent Light is being amplified one thousand fold every single day through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love.

Beloved Father-Mother God and Beloved Elohim, we thank you for the assistance you are giving to Humanity and Mother Earth during this momentous time.

And so it is. Beloved I AM That I AM.